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ENADAlert : Use the Quick Acting 10mg Tablets

ENADAlert is backed by two clinical studies, one focusing on Jet Lag Relief and the other focusing on Sleep Deprivation 

ENADAlert has been clinically tested to assist in relieving tiredness, sleepiness & cognitive drowsiness associated with Jet Lag & long distance travel.

ENADAlert helps to naturally boost performance for 3 to 5 hours when taken at least one hour before activities such as traveling, time zone changes/jet lag, long meetings, studying, work-outs and athletic events.

ENADAlert helps relieve drowsiness, restores alertness & energy and boosts stamina & endurance in healthy, active people without the use of stimulants.

ENADAlert contains NO CAFFEINE, no hormones, no sugar, no yeast, no dairy, no starch, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors.

ENADAlert is a natural coenzyme that can provide immediate relief in overcoming drowsiness, improving mental clarity, as well as increased alertness and stamina in healthy, active lifestyle individuals seeking a stimulant-free energy boost.

In order for ENADAlert to be effective, place one or more ENADAlert tablets in mouth/ under tongue until fully dissolved (1 to 4 minutes). For maximum effectiveness, do not chew tablets. Limit swallowing while under tongue.
Let tablets completely dissolve.

The FDA has not evaluated these statements.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 
ENADAlert is protected by U.S. Patents 5,332,727; 5,654,288 and 5.712,259©2000 Menuco Corp. NY, NY  10118